
This New Wind Turbine Produces Electricity and Water - dixonwation

[Photo: Eole Urine]

In our pursuit of clean, renewable energy, wind turbines seem to always take a backseat to solar energy. We're constantly looking into new ways to harvest the Sunday's DOE, but what can you coiffure with something that is fundamentally an oversized fan?

As it turns come out, quite very much.

A French eco-vim company named Eole Water has developed a bran-new wind turbine that can collect wind Energy and freshwater from thin air. The company's WMS1000 wind turbine can digest water vapour from even the most dull windward conditions and produce gallons of drinkable water.

Eole Water's reinvented turbine looks and works same a regular wind turbine that behind generate 30 kilowatts of electricity. Still, in a separate appendage, the turbine takes wind into its body and forces it through a cooling system compressor like the ones found in an air conditioner. Atomic number 3 the wind passes through the turbine, information technology's cooled by the compressor, which draws the water supply vapor out the transmit.

The water condenses into water droplets that drip down through a series of unsullied blade tubes. From there, the water runs through a filtration and purification system that's powered entirely by the turbine. IT's a great someone-sustaining system.

Eole Water presently has a functioning image installed in the desert region just extrinsic of Abu Dhabi in the United Arab Emirates. The wind turbine buttocks pull an average of 62 liters (16.3 gallons) of water per minute from air with an middling humidness of 45 percent and temperature of 24 degrees Celsius (round 75 degrees for us fahrenheit-using family). The company says that a one-member turbine could potentially pull 1,000 liters of water per hour in favorable weather conditions.

[Eole Water via Touristed Science]

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