
11 Ways Around Using More Spectrum for Mobile Data - dixonwation

Despite widespread calls for more spectrum to carry flying data, there is a all-inclusive range of technologies already being used or explored that could help oneself to accelerate networks or put off the day when more frequencies need to be unwooded.

Spectrum is the lifeblood of mobile services. The conceived leverage aside Verizon Wireless of 20MHz of spectrum from a group of cable television operators, which the U.S. Department of Magistrate approved on Thursday, is the stylish sign over of how historic this invisible resourcefulness is to mechanised operators.

Any avail on the airwaves needs frequencies IT can use without existence overwhelmed by interference, whether the frequency it uses comes from an exclusive license or from a unselfish arranging. The more packets of information are being exchanged o'er a network, the more spectrum will be needed to carry them — unless something other is done.

Mobile operators, technology vendors and governments have been full alarms well-nig mobile networks nearing capacity for age, and those alarms are getting louder. A study released unalterable year by investment bank Credit Suisse said mobile networks general were filled to 65 percent of capacity on average, piece Northwestward American networks were running at 80 percent. The U.S. Federal Communications Commission said in 2009 that it expected mobile data traffic to grow by 35 times in the next five years. Equipment seller Ericsson predicts 10x maturation away 2022. Moreover, the development in require is unpredictable, because newfound applications get wholly the time. And an overladen spectrum band can slow down users' mobile feel for.

To match that need, regulators and carriers are trying to make more spectrum for sale for mobile information services. In the U.S., the FCC pledged in 2009 to make 500MHz of additional spectrum available for transplantable broadband in the advent years. CTIA, the U.S. mobile industry chemical group, had called for 800MHz.

However, if the predictions about dealings growth come geographical, there won't equal plenty "new" spectrum addressable to keep raised with it. Supply and need are happening different orders of order of magnitude. For example, if the FCC auctioned off 300MHz tomorrow and the deuce biggest U.S. carriers split it, that will increase their spectrum in the average grocery store by not much more than double, reported to independent industry analyst Andrew Seybold. (Then, it would take three or four years to develop that spectrum online, he said.)

To fulfil the gap betwixt those growth rates, governments and industry agree that what's necessary is at least a divided approach, with more spectrum likewise as strategies to make better use of the spectrum that's already available. Carriers also are taking stairs that should help to dampen the growth in demand.

Here is an overview of some of the techniques that may help to avoid a changeable craunch. They fall into trey main categories: getting more out of service providers' current mobile data spectrum, fashioning better use of all accomplishable mobile frequencies, and reducing the demand happening spectrum assigned to mobile services.

Making better use of existing spectrum

1. Small cells

Mobile operators can swear out more subscribers and give them better performance using the really same spectrum they already have. One mode to do this is by installing littler cells to affix the traditional "big" cells that cover an full neighborhood. As long as the two types of cells don't interpose with from each one other, subscribers' mobile devices can connect to a small cellular phone portion a street corner or an office and share it only when with the other subscribers nearby. If there are adequate small cells in the area, users can be handed bump off from one to the other without always onerous the big cellular phone, which remains available for subscribers who aren't near to an area of midget cells.

The Small Jail cell Meeting place industry group says setting up just four small cells within the area of a macro prison cell can offload 56 percent of the information traffic from the nearest loom. All this requires exactly the same amount of spectrum As the carrier accustomed manoeuvre the original cell tower, and it lets more subscribers use the network simultaneously.

2. LTE-Advanced

The next generation of LTE is actually a variety of new features coming in version 10 of the standard, which is now complete and is expected to be deployed opening future year. Though it draws attention for its theoretical maximum throughput of 100Mbps (bps), the enhancements in LTE-Advanced are chiefly for efficient utilization of spectrum, according to Arne Schaelicke, a global LTE product marketing executive director at Nokia Siemens Networks. The advances include the ability to use more antennas per cell and a mechanism to manage interference 'tween big and small cells.

LTE cells have been limited to but two antennas, but with the new standard they give notice be configured with as many As eight, to create octad separate streams of data for higher throughput. To allow macro and minor cells to wreak in the same area, LTE-Advanced provides a way for the two types of cells to back off from all other once every msec thus they can utilise the same frequency and non interfere with each new, Schaelicke aforementioned.

3. Carrier assembling

However, the biggest benefit of LTE-Advanced is expected to glucinium carrier aggregation. This part of the standard lets service providers combine multiple itty-bitty blocks of spectrum into one block up that's large adequate to deliver a firm LTE divine service. They'll even be healthy to tie together frequencies that are in wide different bands, attractive advantage of already licensed spectrum that otherwise mightiness have gone unused or underutilized.

Clearwire, the WiMax wholesale wheeler dealer that plans to launch an LTE-Advance network next year, plans to use carrier accumulation to combine 2 20MHz spectrum blocks into a single block with 40MHz, said Lavatory Saw, Clearwire's foreman technology officer. That will outstrip the 20MHz that both Verizon and AT&T are using for LTE in most markets. However, any carrier aggregation act up has to use spectrum combinations that are certified by the 3GPP so gimmick makers leave have a specification to work with, Saw said.


Other technology that can help service providers use their spectrum more with efficiency is TDD-LTE (metre-division duplexing LTE). Most operators are building their networks with FDD (frequency-division duplexing) systems, which use cardinal paired bands of spectrum, incomparable for upstream and one for downriver traffic. Some are required to do so by regulators. TDD-LTE, along the otherwise hand, uses uncomparable block of spectrum for traffic in some directions and segregates them by the amount of time they can take happening the network. That finer suits real traffic patterns and gives the operator many flexibility in how to use up its spectrum, accordant to Clearwire, which uses TDD-LTE.

"TDD allows ME to tailor my spectrum resources to where my customers' behavior is," Clearwire's Adage said. This organization force out also survive easier to combine multiple chunks of spectrum, because to each one collocate doesn't have to be paired with another, atomic number 2 said.

Making better manipulation of all spectrum

5. Spectrum-sharing

Some experts say it's time to throw out the whole notion of allocating certain frequencies exclusively to moneymaking mobile services, surgery to any unshared use. Instead, they advocate ambulatory operators sharing spectrum with new users, such as authorities agencies.

In a report issued earlier this year, the U.S. President's Council of Advisors on Science and Technology suggested that the secretary of commerce name 1,000MHz of frequencies where commercial and federal users could coexist. "This study finds that today's manifest shortage of spectrum is in fact an illusion established because of the way spectrum is managed," the report said.

Advances in technology, including small cells and radio performance improvements, help build information technology possible for transportable networks to use the same frequencies as other services, as long-dated as possibly interfering signals don't rise in a higher place a certain level, the report aforementioned. It cited the success of Wi-Fi in unlicensed spectrum as an example. Sharing could multiply the potent capacity of spectrum by a factor of 1,000, the group said.

In a response to the PCAST report, CTIA, the main manufacture group for U.S. movable operators, cast doubt happening its conclusions. CTIA said cleared, exclusive spectrum is the "gold received" for mobile service, and some technologies that PCAST cited aren't uncommitted yet.

6. Spectrum refarming

Every bit carriers adopt LTE, which uses spectrum much more efficiently than in the first place technologies, they be after to bit by bit migrate users hit of their oldest networks and reuse those frequencies. Those moves ultimately will make a epochal amount of additive spectrum available for high-velocity data services, but it's not an overnight solution.

Earlier this month, AT&T announced it would phase out its 2G GSM and EDGE networks away the beginning of 2022, shifting customers to 3G and 4G services market by securities industry. It estimated 12 percent of its subscribers use 2G phones. In May, Dash Nextel North Korean won Federal Communications Commission approval to use spectrum in the 800MHz band, which is at once used for its aging iDEN network and has been limited to narrowband technology, for LTE services that use wider bands.

7. Wi-Fi

When moving users fault over from a cellular mesh to Wi-Fi, their dealings stops using the bearer's spectrum completely. Wi-Fi is a big part of carriers' so-called offload strategies because it offers two fatty bands of unlicensed spectrum and is well-stacked into nearly entirely smartphones and tablets. Many carriers wealthy person already stacked or bought extensive networks of Wi-Fi hotspots, and entirely encourage users to move their devices from the cellular network to their have Wisconsin-Fi at home.

Continual advances in Badger State-Fi technology, including the IEEE 802.11ac gear expected to be wide available next year, gain wireless LANs eventide better for manipulation large numbers game of users. Going from cellular to WI-Fi may also become easier with new systems such as the Wi-Fi Alliance's Passpoint canonical. Efforts are now below way to let users roam mechanically, among hotspots operated away different carriers and by aggregators such every bit Boingo.

The experience would beryllium like roaming 'tween cell networks and it could send very much more nomadic traffic off the scarce cellular frequencies, helping mobile operators to get by yearner with the spectrum they already own. But carriers are expected to adopt the new roaming technology easy. Consumers should note that unlike the access offered now on postman-owned hotspots, Wi-Fi roaming may not ever be free for subscribers.

Reducing the amount of data connected the network

8. Compressing

No matter what frequencies are wont to carry mobile information, to a lesser extent dealings substance less spectrum is needed. Data compression is a time-honored way of cutting files down, merely it has its limits as a solution to the wireless crackle, reported to Rajat Roy, a sr. product line manager at Broadcom. To start with, the biggest files, such as telecasting, audio and images, are already shut using authoritative protocols such atomic number 3 JPEG and MPEG. For other types of files, the industry is calm down disagreeable to settle on a common standard so mobile devices will receive the software program to unbend what's been thin in the network.

However, Broadcom has targeted one type of traffic that doesn't make for huge files but is much inefficient. The company builds technology into its wireless base-station chips that lavatory compress the header fields of VOIP (spokesperson over Internet Protocol) packets. Though phonation doesn't sorb a lot bandwidth, the packet headers containing routing and other information are sometimes twice the size of the lading itself, Roy aforesaid. Compressing the headers reduces the load on the network.

9. Caching

There are at any rate two slipway in which caching could help concentrate the need for spectrum. One is time-variable traffic to lose weight crest demand. The growing amount of money of storage capacity on devices and in removable split second cards could allow users to download large files such A video automatically during off hours, said Tolaga Research psychoanalyst Phil Marshall. Users World Health Organization signed up to have that content sent could then lookout man it later on the twist. Security and digital rights management are possible barriers to adopting this proficiency, Marshall aforementioned.

Broadcom has another caching idea: The company equips its cellular base station processors to nam and cache multimedia content while sending it out to client devices. The idea is to keep filling the "time slots" on a receiving set pipe that the mesh allocates for the Indian file transfer. Letting those slots go unfilled wastes network capacity. Broadcom's chips can store decent packets of a file Beaver State a multimedia system stream in memory so that the base station can pack as much information Eastern Samoa possible into every time expansion slot devoted thereto practical application, Roy said.

10. Reducing signaling traffic

In some cases, it isn't mobile video or mature email attachments that are consuming an wheeler dealer's spectrum, but bantam signals sent between devices and networks. With busy applications such as push email, social networking and even Web browsers, these small signals can add dormy.

"We've seen cases where carriers had lots of information capacity … addressable in their network and over-crowding being characterized by signaling mental ability limits," said Peter Carson, a senior director of selling at Qualcomm. He expects the trouble to bring worsened.

In its mobile modem chips, Qualcomm is implementing several technologies that slim down signaling. One is a more efficient agency for applications to call for network resources and switch 'tween communication modes. Some other helps the modem to combine network requests and data traffic from a device's covering processor in batches. These techniques also tend to slash power consumption, extending barrage fire life. They should atomic number 4 available soon in devices equipped with Qualcomm modems, Carson said.

11. Pricing and data caps

Finally, technical and regulatory solutions are only part of the picture. The most powerful tool to prevent spectrum becoming overladen may be regulation maneuverable traffic through Service plans.

Most carriers are well along in phasing extinct untrammelled information plans, if they ever had them. Now that monthly usage caps are in property, the service providers can modify them as needed to discourage subscribers from using too much network capacity. They can as wel polish subscriber behavior away heartening fourth dimension-shifting or charging more for plans where the subscriber's packets get priority over other traffic.

"If I birth a flat-rate plan on my iPad, and I can jump onto LTE whenever I like, that's what I'll answer. But if it's a plan that doesn't grant me to do that, and I'll pay a bounty to use that LTE network, chances are, I'm going to alternate on to Badger State-Fi," Marshall of Tolaga Research aforesaid.

If one carrier can make its spectrum support a plan that satisfies consumers, others will use some tools they need to try to match it, George Catlett Marshall said. "It's market contest that will define how many cell sites, how much spectrum, and what techniques are wont to deliver the service, as anti to pure call for," Marshall aforementioned.

Stephen Lawson covers mobile, storage and networking technologies for The IDG News Service. Follow Sir Leslie Stephen on Chitter at @sdlawsonmedia. Stephen's e-post address is


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